Working From Home

Working from home is more common than ever in this day and age. The flexibility and convenience it offers cannot be understated. However, working from home does not mean your company should forget about cybersecurity. Keeping your company’s data safe while working from home may require a little more attention than normal. With that, let us take a look at these 4 ways to keep data safe while working from home.

Establish Security Policies

First and foremost, it is important to make sure everyone in your company is on the same page. That is why establishing cybersecurity policies is so important. Incidentally, some employees might not be aware they are handling customer or confidential data. Consequently, you cannot assume everyone knows what is and what is not confidential data. Establishing a policy and having your employees review and sign it is a good way to keep everyone on the same page.


A VPN is a virtual private network. Essentially, using VPNs will ensure their internet access is secure. This allows your employees to not only be safe and secure from home, but also if they are on the go. For example, an employee may stop in at the local cafe to work as well. With a VPN, their internet access is still secure.

Boost Password Safety

Implementing strong password safety protocols is an easy way to keep your company’s data safe while working from home. Offering password training stresses the importance of not using the same, easy password for everything. Additionally, you can implement password managers to generate and store all your employees’ passwords.

Use Encryption Software

Imagine for a moment that an employee’s laptop is lost or stolen. All sorts of nightmares of what could happen jump to your mind. Data could be compromised, and your company’s information could be breached. However, there is a way around this: using encryption software. Encryption software will protect your company’s data by shielding access from any unauthorized users.

The Most Secure Computing

These are just 4 ways to keep data safe while working from home. Our secure cloud stores your business’ important information so your mind can be at ease. You no longer need to worry of a data breach because we protect your business’ valuable information.

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